Karen and Nick Woodall have had at least six companies/charities. They appear to have been given similar names in order to blur distinctions and allow the transfer of funds between them. Nick Woodall is a former accountant.

Overview of the six companies

Brief timeline of the six companies

The six companies blurring into each other

Six businesses spacer bar.png

The Centre for Separated Families was removed as a charity from the Charity Commission website on 18 December 2013, but only dissolved on the Companies House website three years later on 20 December 2016.

However, the gov.uk website states: "You must make sure your charity is removed from the Companies House register before it can be removed from the register of charities."


One Parent Families was also known as One Parent Families Advice and Support Information Network (OPFSIN) before it formally changed its name to the Centre fro Separated Families.