Family Court judgments 2010

Re S (A Child) [2010] EWHC 192 (Fam)

4 January 2010

Judge: Clifford Bellamy

Expert witness: “Dr W” - Kirk Weir - this is confirmed in subsequent judgments.

The parents had separated before the boy was born and was now eleven. Justice Bellamy ordered a transfer of residence from the mother to the father on the grounds of parental alienation.

The case is analysed by Ruth Cain in The Court of Motherhood: Affect, Alienation and Redefinitions of Responsible Parenting, 2011

[2010] EWCA Civ 219 - 21 January 2010 - is the mother’s appeal against the transfer of residence being refused. Reported in Family Law Week. Summarised by Judges: Thorpe, Wall, Rimer

Then this is definitely the follow on, with Clifford Bellamy and Kirk Weir, discussing the American parental alienation “Family Bridges” reunification method of Richard Warshak.

The case is mentioned in 'The Court of Motherhood: Affect, Alienation and Redefinitions of Responsible Parenting’ by Ruth Cain, 2011

The case is appealed in:

[2010] EWHC B2 (Fam) on 3 March 2010

Judges: Wilson and Henderson

Barrister for father: Robin Tolson

Reported by Jonathan Petre in the Daily Mail. This article features on page 276 of Mothers On Trial by Phyllis Chesler.

And then in:

[2010] EWCA Civ 325. Judges: Thorpe, Smith, Baron

17 March 2010

Court of appeal - previously Clifford Bellamy

Expert: Kirk Weir

Re S (Transfer of Residence) [2010] EWHC B19 (Fam) on 11 August 2010

Mark Berelowitz, Karen Woodall

Analysis by Mary Welstead in Denning Law Journal

Family Law Week

Parental alienation and intractable contact disputes: an update, Henry Clayton, Family Law Week, 1 June 2012

[2010] EWCA Civ 89

Judges: Nicholas Wilson and Launcelot Henderson

W v W [2010] EWHC 332 (Fam)

4 March 2010

Judge: Jill Black

Family Law Week

[2010] EWCA Civ 447

11 March 2010

Judges: Mathew Thorpe, Nicholas Wall, Richard Aikens

Family Law Week

Re D [2010] EWCA Civ 496

7 April 2010

Judges: Nicholas Wall, Richard Aikens

Father was found by a circuit judge to have sexually abused his stepdaughter. Mother opposed sons’ contact with the paternal grandparents. Hamish Cameron said the mother was warping their psychological development with her false belief system. Paul Coleridge ordered a transfer of residence to the paternal grandparents. Wall and Aikens refused mother’s appeal. This appeal followed an earlier appeal by the mother, [2009] EWCA Civ 1551, also dismissed by Thorpe, Baker and Wall, against Coleridge’s preference for the evidence of experts Cameron and Professor Grubin over that of Professor David Jones. The grandparents were represented in that appeal by Caroline Willbourne of 1GC. The mother was represented in both appeals by Robin Tolson.

Family Law Week

Obituary of Val Provan, NYAS children’s guardian, who died in 2011.

[2010] EWCA Civ 1253

4 November 2010

Judges: Stephen Sedley, Robin Jacob, James Munby

A father obstructing contact between child and mother.

Parental alienation and intractable contact disputes: an update, Henry Clayton, Family Law Week, 1 June 2012