27 January 2017
Judges: Richard Scarratt, Andrew Baker
Family Law Hub: “Mother was ordered to bring the child back to Kent from Northern Ireland so that the father, whom she alleged had abused their daughter, could have contact.”
22 March 2017
Judge: Liza Gordon-Saker
Expert: Darren Spooner
Analysed by Adrienne Barnett of Brunel University in “A genealogy of hostility: parental alienation in England and Wales (2020).
Highlighted as a typical parental alienation case in a House of Commons Research Briefing on Parental Alienation, published on 10 February 2020.
Judge agreed with Darren Spooner’s recommendation that the Family Separation Clinic (Karen Woodall and Nick Woodall) be consulted following the transfer of residence from mother to father.
30 March 2017
Lady Justice Black, Lord Justice Flaux, Sir Timothy Lloyd
Barrister: Matthew Richardson of Coram Chambers acting pro bono
Samantha Baldwin case
April 2017
No judgements to be found on Bailii…
Judge: Jeremy Lea
11 April 2017
Judge: Alison Russell
Not “parental alienation”, but “alienated” is mentioned. Appears well balanced and argued. Leads to [2018] EWHC 693 (Fam), where Russell was highly critical of the Anna Freud Centre and refused to order a transfer of residence from England to Sweden.
11 May 2017
Judge: Simon Wood
Newcastle. Barring order against the father, who was obsessed with parental alienation via his involvement with Families need Fathers. He wanted to have Sue Whitcombe as an expert.
[2017] EWFC B35 Q v R (intractable contact)
28 June 2017
Judge: Joanna Vincent
Child and adolescent psychiatrist: Dr Peter Misch
Parental alienation and intractable contact disputes – when all seems lost, Stacey Nevin, Kingsley Napley Solicitors, 22 January 2018 (originally published in Family Law Week)
Note: Charlotte Bradbury of Kingsley Napley is in the Family Solutions Group that produced the What About Me? report.
Note: Joanna Vincent used Peter Misch again in 2021 in [2021] EWFC B54.
“In September 2007 the father violently assaulted the mother by punching her in the face, knocking teeth out and necessitating plastic surgery. He was subsequently convicted of ABH and given a suspended jail sentence.”
“The boys’ wishes and feelings are in my judgement based on a false belief system fostered and encouraged by their mother.”
Although Vincent found the mother to be an alienator, she declined to make an order for contact.
30 June 2017
Judge: Stephen Cobb
1 August 2017
Judge: Jonathan Baker
Justice Baker rejected the father’s appeal against Robin Tolson’s earlier ruling that the mother was not alienating the father from the daughter and that the father was in fact the author of his own misfortune through his obsessive and inflexible attitude.
Lancashire CC v Z (Parental Hostility) [2017] EWFC B71
24 August 2017
Judge: James Ross Duggan
Location: Leyland
The case raised the question of whether it is permissible for one parent to covertly record another parent, and whether such evidence is admissible in court or could even be used against the parent who makes the recording.
1 September 2017
Judge: Jonathan Baker
Expert: Sue Whitcombe
Re E-R (a child) [2015] EWCA Civ 405
Judges: Lord Justice John Laws and Lady Justice Eleanor King
The mother had died of cancer. The mother’s friends, Mr and Mrs H were caring for the 5 year old girl. The father had applied for a transfer of residence to him, which was granted by circuit judge Nicholas Vincent. Mrs H’s appeal against the transfer of residence was allowed.
Re E-R (Child Arrangements) [2016] EWHC 805 (Fam)
Judge: Stephen Cobb
Mother died of cancer. 5 year old daughter went to live with Mr and Mrs H, mother’s family friends. Father made endless unfounded allegations against them and demanded a transfer of residence. Cobb dismissed the father’s application for a transfer of residence and ordered him to pay £10,000 costs to Mr and Mrs H.
Re E-R (Child Arrangements Order No. 2) [2017] EWHC 2382 (Fam)
Judge: Stephen Cobb
Father accused the mother’s friends of alienating his daughter from him.
Re E-R (Child Arrangements Order No.2: Costs) [2017] EWHC 2535 (Fam)
Judge: Stephen Cobb
The costs of unreasonable conduct in children cases, Stowe Family Law, 2017
12 October 2017
Judges: Jill Black, Philip Sales, David Richards
Expert: Mark Berelowitz
18 October 2017
Stuart Graham acted as a McKenzie friend for an “alienated” father in a case which focused on the use of covert recordings.
Judges: James Munby, Eleanor King
This was an appeal of [2016] EWCA Civ 1088 (Eleanor King), which in turn was an appeal against a judgment by Clifford Bellamy.
Re J (A Child: Intractable Contact) [2017] EWFC B103
19 December 2017
Judge: Clifford Bellamy
Expert: Consultant clinical psychologist, Dr Gill I’Anson
The judge had previously made findings that the mother had made false allegations of physical and sexual abuse by the father of his infant son and that in doing so, she had emotionally abused their son. After seven years of litigation, the father asked to withdraw. Bellamy agreed to indirect contact.